An individual project built while a student at the Turing School of Software and Design. The application helps Uber drivers find more rides. It pulls in local event data as well as Uber ETA times to display a map pinpointing neighborhoods of high demand and low supply.
Live App |
Ruby on Rails, Uber API, Eventful API, MapBox.js, PostgreSQL
My Focus
- Consuming multiple APIs and testing with VCR
- Caching API responses with Memcached and Dalli
- Building an API
- AJAX/jQuery to make the map and content filtering a single-page
- Proper ENV variable management with Figaro
- Continuous integration and deployment with Codeship
- PivotalTracker (albeit with an individual project)
Next Steps
- Wrap the current JSON endpoints in a more formal API with authentication
- Develop a mobile application that renders the RiderDemand API data
- Integrate Sidekiq and Redis to update Uber ETA times every five minutes
Up to the Tweet
A three-week group project built for the Turing School. The application displays the most popular NY Times articles as well as associated tweets and their location on a map.
Live App |
Ember, Ember-Data, New York Times API, Twitter API, MapBox.js, Ruby on Rails API, Active Model Serializers
My Focus
- Building a single-page Ember application
- Building a Ruby on Rails JSON API
Denver Parks
A web app built during the Rocky Mountain Civic Hackathon to help Denver citizens search all of Denver's parks based on their amenities.
Live App |
Ruby on Rails, Google Maps API v3, PostgreSQL
My Focus
- Integrating Google Maps and dynamically rendering data
- Learning jQuery and its use in a Rails application
- Consuming a public dataset
A group project built while a student at the Turing School of Software and Design. We were given a legacy code base for a restaurant site and were tasked with turning it into a travel platform for rental homes.
Live App |
Ruby on Rails, Twitter Bootstrap, PostgreSQL
My Focus
- Pivoting a single tenant application into multitenancy
- Learning AJAX and jQuery for Sign Up and Log In modals
- Implementing user stories and feature testing with Rspec
- Using Waffle.io for project management
- Code reviews and Github workflow with a team